Introduction to tangzhong, the secret to softer bread
A technique for plush bread, squishy rolls, and bakes that last for days.

How can you elevate your favorite dinner rolls to new levels of pillow-y softness — in one simple step? Ditto your old-fashioned sandwich bread, tender cinnamon rolls, and gooey sticky buns. The answer: tangzhong, the Asian yeast bread technique that has made its way into American kitchens.
These days, with “artisan” the byword for many yeast bakers, we aspire to breads that are ever more crusty/chewy: pizza crust, baguettes, bagels.
But let’s not lose sight of a whole world of classic soft yeast breads: the sliced white bread of our youthful sandwiches, the Sunday morning platter of tender sticky buns.
Sadly, all too often our quest for super-soft rolls falls far short of our dreams. The brioche buns are oddly dry and chewy; the cinnamon rolls, downright tough. What’s a frustrated baker to do?
Tangzhong: the quick and easy path to softer, more tender dinner rolls, sandwich loaves, and cinnamon buns.
This Asian technique — which has origins in Japan's yukone (or yudane) and was popularized across Asia by Taiwanese cookbook author Yvonne Chen — cooks a small percentage of the flour and liquid (water or milk) in a yeast recipe very briefly before combining the resulting thick slurry with the remaining ingredients.
How does this technique affect yeast dough? It pre-gelatinizes the starches in the flour, meaning they can absorb more water. In fact, flour will absorb twice as much hot water or milk as it does the cool/lukewarm water or milk you'd usually use in yeast dough.
Not only does the starch in the flour absorb more liquid; since heating the starch with water creates structure, it's able to hold onto that extra liquid throughout the kneading, baking, and cooling processes. Which in turn means:
One of our current recipes using tangzhong is Soft Cinnamon Rolls. An enthusiastic reader review recently caught our eye:
“This is the best cinnamon roll recipe ever! I have been making cinnamon rolls for 55 years and have never found a recipe quite like this. These rolls stay soft a long time — up to a week… I mail cinnamon rolls to childhood friends who live a great distance from me. Even if it takes the postal service a week to deliver the rolls, they are still soft!” — Retired editor from Upper Sandusky, OH
That’s tangzhong in a nutshell: soft rolls (or bread) that stay soft for an extended period, making them perfect for shipping, or simply for making one day, then enjoying the next. And the next, and the next …
While nothing beats a freshly baked, oven-warm roll, tangzhong delivers results that are a very close second — without the pressure of having to bake right before serving.
Let’s see how this works with our recipe for Easy Hot Cross Buns.
As directed in a tip at the bottom of the recipe, I measure out the total amount of flour and milk I'll be using in the recipe.
Now I take 3 tablespoons of the measured flour and 1/2 cup of the measured milk and put them in a saucepan set over medium-high heat (left, above). I cook the mixture, whisking constantly; it quickly starts to thicken (right, above).
Within a minute or so the mixture becomes a thick slurry.
I transfer the cooked mixture to a bowl, let it cool to lukewarm, then combine it with the remaining flour, milk, and other dough ingredients.
I proceed with the recipe as directed: kneading the dough (above); letting it rise; shaping the buns; letting them rise, and baking.
Icing atop the cooled buns is the final touch.
It's impossible to photograph soft, tender texture and extended shelf life. But here's a bun I broke open after a couple of days on the counter (well wrapped, of course). It's moist, soft, and delicious.
Four days post-baking, the buns were just starting to dry out a bit. But contrast that to the typical sweet roll, which often seems to toughen up within hours of its emergence from the oven.
As a long-time devoted fan of soft bread and rolls, I'm sold on tangzhong. Try some recipes on our site that use this technique, such as Japanese Milk Bread Rolls and Soft Cinnamon Rolls.
We've also retrofitted existing recipes to incorporate tangzhong: Easy Hot Cross Buns, Classic Sandwich Bread, and Golden Pull-Apart Butter Buns (above) include tangzhong directions via a tip at the end of each.
Give any of these a try; if you're a soft bread aficionado, I think you'll enjoy the results.
I've also started experimenting with converting existing recipes to the tangzhong technique. Does it work with every soft yeast bread recipe? The answer is a qualified "yes," but not without some tweaks based on dough hydration — plus a bit of math. Stay tuned for a future tangzhong post detailing my results!
Do you have your own special trick for keeping soft rolls and yeast loaves fresher longer? Please share in "comments," below.
October 16, 2021 at 5:03pm
In reply to Hi, can i use this method… by Fernando (not verified)
Yes, you can! Follow this link:
May 20, 2021 at 9:43pm
Thank you for confirming the ratio of solid to liquid when making the slurry. Your directions were used for increasing the moisture content of the bread machine white whole wheat recipe from 63% to 75%. The bread is moist and fluffy. It's a great improvement.
April 1, 2021 at 10:30am
I have been searching for the perfect sandwich bread, and this is it! I was a bit afraid of the tangzhong, but it really is easy. The bread is soft with a wonderful aroma and great taste. I cannot imagine a better bread for sandwiches. I am waiting for that first tomato from the garden for the perfect BLT!
March 23, 2021 at 11:19am
Can the recipe for the soft cinnamon rolls be halves? 24 seems a lot for a small family of 4. Thanks!
March 23, 2021 at 11:27am
In reply to Hi, Can the recipe for the… by Susan (not verified)
You certainly can, Susan!
March 10, 2021 at 10:29am
I first saw Japanese Milk Bread in a King Arthur email and decided to try it Results were great. Nice
texture and flavor and it froze (and recovered) well. Have been experimenting with various substitutions for
the last few weeks. Tried using quick oats to replace some flour, also used yogurt and banana to replace egg oils and butter.
Have yet to hit an option that didn't work. Would highly recommend to my best friend.
February 22, 2021 at 11:11am
@PJHamel. Last night, I successfully made your recipe for the Hokkaido Japanese Milk bread. Please consider revising the recipe to:
1). Include instructions to pre-warm the milk/water ingredients for the actual bread dough to 100° F. to enhance dough rising
2). Decrease the amount of the sugar. One of your bakers replied to my review comments this morning and reported that decreasing the amount of sugar would not interfere with the yeast helping the bread rise factor. Thanks a bunch. This will now become my GO TO white bread recipe.
February 12, 2021 at 7:04pm
Gosto de fazer pães com fermentação acima de 8 horas, tenho usado fermento biológico fresco em quantidades menores e geladeira para diminuir a velocidade da fermentação, só que muitas vezes na segunda fermentação não cresce o necessário. Assar na primeira fermentação pode gerar algum problema?
February 23, 2021 at 1:28pm
In reply to Gosto de fazer pães com… by Daniel Martins (not verified)
Oi Daniel. Se você deixar a massa crescer apenas uma vez, ela definitivamente ficará mais densa do que você pode preferir. Provavelmente também terá uma textura mais grossa. Esvaziar e modelar a massa redistribui os gases produzidos pelo fermento para que seja mais bem distribuído, o que resulta em uma estrutura mais uniforme. Da mesma forma, não deixar a massa descansar para a segunda fermentação diminuirá o sabor. Esperamos que ajude, e peço desculpa ao nosso português, tivemos ajuda do Google. Feliz cozimento!
February 12, 2021 at 6:45am
Kindly let me know how to SIMPLY calculate the Tangzhong for any recipe giving you the example of this Tsoureki For the starter:
1/2 cup milk, lukewarm
1 tablespoon active dry yeast
1 teaspoon sugar
2 tablespoons all purpose flour
The dough:
4 cups bread flour
1 cup granulated sugar
3/4 cup lukewarm milk
2 large eggs
zest of an orange
1 tablespoon ground mahlepi
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon ground mastic gum (optional)
2 ounces unsalted butter, softened at room temperature
egg wash: 1 egg yolk plus 2 tablespoons water
Papparoti Buns
For The Buns:
1/2 cup melted butter
1 cup warm milk ( warm fresh milk or UHT milk will do)
1/4 cup sugar
1/2 tsp salt
2 eggs
1 tbsp active dry yeast
4 cups all purpose flour