Ready... set... bake!
Thanksgiving is upon us, and like Fred the Baker on those old Dunkin' Donuts ads, "It's time to make the doughnuts." Pumpkin doughnuts, naturally. And cranberry bread. And dinner rolls.
And apple pie, of course, because what's Thanksgiving without a glorious apple pie on the sideboard?
Sure, you want a nice, fresh, preferably oven-warm pie. But who has time for peeling, coring, and slicing the apples, juicing a lemon, mixing the spices... on Thanksgiving morning? Or even the day before?
There's absolutely no need to stress over apple pie less than 24 hours before sitting down to Thanksgiving dinner. You can prepare the pie entirely (save for baking it) and freeze the whole thing, then pop it into the oven once the turkey comes out.
Or you can make the crust dough ahead, wrap, and chill or freeze. Or roll it out, stick it in its pie pan, and freeze or chill.
And you can definitely make the filling up to 4 or 5 days ahead, and stash it in the fridge; or even farther ahead, and freeze it. When the time comes to assemble the pie, your filling's ready to spoon into the crust: just like Comstock in a can, only tastier. (My fellow test baker Susan Reid likes to pre-bake her filling.)
Me, I prefer to simply sauté it. Ten minutes on the stovetop, and you're done – the filling finished and in the fridge, letting you move on to other delicious tasks.
Making an apple pie for Thanksgiving? Make the filling today. Here's how.
My favorite apple pie filling includes 2 tablespoons butter. So I start by melting the butter in a large frying pan. I add the apples and cook for a few minutes, stirring occasionally, while I mix my sugar and spices.
I stir the sugar and spices into the pan, and cook for a few minutes more.
How long? Maybe 5 minutes, however long it takes for your apples to start noticeably softening. They should be fork-tender, yet still hold their shape.
This will happen almost immediately with McIntosh and Cortland; in a few minutes with Granny Smith, and longer for many orchard-fresh heirloom varieties, like Northern Spy.
Meanwhile, I mix together my two thickeners – flour and cornstarch.
I add the flour and cornstarch to the pan.
Stir, then cook over low heat for about a minute – basically just to make sure everything is well combined.
I remove the pan from the heat, stir in my lemon juice and boiled cider ...
... and transfer the filling to a lidded container.
Into the fridge (or freezer) it goes.
Come Thanksgiving Day, the filling will be spooned into pie crust. My Easy No-Roll Pie Crust – pat-into-the-pan crust being another way to save time on your pie-baking.
Another plus: pre-cooking the filling means it's already "settled," and you won't experience that annoying gap that sometimes develops between filling and top crust.
Now how hard was that? Get yourself into the kitchen and make your apple pie filling now – so you can relax later.
Happy Thanksgiving! May your time with family and friends be sweet as honey – and easy as pie!
Psst ... if you want some extra guidance on the pie-baking front, we've got you covered with our complete Pie Baking Guide.
I haven't provided specific amounts for the ingredients in this post because I want you to try this method with your own favorite pie filling. Just remember, sauté the apple slices in butter; then add the sugar and spice; then the thickener; and finally any liquids, like lemon juice or boiled cider. Let me know how it works out for you, OK?
July 9, 2024 at 12:28pm
Thank you for the instructions on making the pie filling in advance. If using Instant Clear Gel, its instructions say to combine it (ICG) with the sugar, but in this blog, it instructs that after softening the apples, THEN add your thickener, which I would consider the Instant Clear Gel. So, which instructions would I follow in this case? TIA!
July 14, 2024 at 11:02am
In reply to Thank you for the… by Elinor LaGrone (not verified)
Hi Elinor, since PJ was using flour and cornstarch as the thickener in her example, she added it later in the process, which will allow more moisture to be released from the fruit via steam. When using Instant ClearJel you do want to add it in with at least part of the sugar (to avoid clumping), so you could add half the sugar and then add the remaining sugar/Instant ClearJel mixture towards the end of the cooking process. You could also add all the sugar and Instant ClearJel in together after you have sautéed the apples in the butter for a few minutes. Both ways should work fine, although cooking the mixture a bit more with half the sugar first may release a little more moisture from the fruit. When adding the sugar/Instant ClearJel mixture later in the process, just be sure everything dissolves well before removing from the stove.
June 26, 2024 at 12:39pm
Is there anything you'd recommend doing differently for baking the pie from frozen? Including for hand pies? Thanks!
June 27, 2024 at 12:58pm
In reply to Is there anything you'd… by Lily (not verified)
Hi Lily! We have a wonderful blog that speaks to the baking process for frozen pies...I'll link that right below: Freeze and Bake Fruit Pie As for the hand pies, generally you can go straight from the freezer to the preheated oven with those since they are relatively small. You may have to add a few additional minutes of bake time though. Just keep an eye on the hand pies and when that filling is bubbling and the crust is nice and golden brown, you can remove them to cool. Happy Baking!
November 26, 2023 at 7:57pm
I used this method for my apple pie this year for thanksgiving, using my recipe but adding the boiled apple cider and lemon juice. It was delicious.
November 27, 2023 at 3:43pm
In reply to I used this method for my… by Olene (not verified)
That's great to hear, Olene! Thanks for letting us know!
November 10, 2023 at 2:35pm
After I cook the apple filling, can I go ahead and put the filling in the crust and freeze unbaked?
November 12, 2023 at 3:20pm
In reply to After I cook the apple… by Susan (not verified)
Hi Susan, yes, although we would recommend cooling down the filling completely before filling the pie and freezing. Check out this blog post for full instructions on how to freeze the whole pie.
November 23, 2022 at 8:50am
Well this was disappointing. I’d like to make the filling today, but to find out I have to go out and buy more stuff. No measurements for spices that I already have.
November 28, 2022 at 4:20pm
In reply to Well this was disappointing… by Karen (not verified)
Hi Karen, we're sorry this recipe doesn't include a recommended substitution for the apple pie spice! Our apple pie spice includes cinnamon, nutmeg and allspice, and in other recipes we offer the following substitution for 1 1/2 teaspoons of apple pie spice: 1 teaspoon cinnamon, 1/4 teaspoon nutmeg and 1/4 teaspoon allspice.