Never-Fail Biscuits are just what their name proclaims: you absolutely, positively can't goof up this biscuit recipe, no matter how suspect you believe your biscuit-baking skills to be. And now that summer's here, it's simple to punch up these two-ingredient biscuits with a handful of chopped fresh herbs: Easy Herb Biscuits, here we come!
Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme... If you're a Boomer, you may remember the 1966 Simon and Garfunkel album by that name. These days, "record album" is one of those quaint names that's just about disappeared from our tech-laced lexicon. As is "home ec," which is where I first attempted to make biscuits.
For those of you too young to remember when middle school was called junior high, "home ec" refers to home economics, a required course for junior high girls. For boys, the designated class was industrial arts (a.k.a. shop). Girls didn't take shop; boys didn't take home ec. We weren't gender-biased; that's just the way it was back then.
So, we girls were supposed to learn how to sew, cook, and behave ourselves in polite company. But by the late '60s, when I was in junior high, Emily Post-type proper behavior was disappearing in a tsunami of Woodstock and war protests, hippies and the Haight.
Still, even if we didn't buy in to raised pinky fingers and china tea cups, we did like to eat – what 13-year-old doesn't?
And while Mrs. Deabler, my home ec. teacher, ripped out every seam I ever sewed, she couldn't fault my baking powder biscuits. Even back then I was a foodie.
These days, I never make the classic biscuits that saved me from abject failure back in home ec. Having to go buy buttermilk, working butter and shortening into flour (oh, be gentle!), patting, smoothing, cutting, re-rolling the scraps... meh, I've no time for that.
Give me these Never-Fail Biscuits any day. Mix self-rising flour and heavy cream. Plop dough balls onto a baking sheet. Scan Facebook for 10 minutes while the biscuits bake. Enjoy!
Now's the perfect time to turn these biscuits into something a bit more savory. Fresh herbs are growing rampant in my garden. Currently chives and thyme are front and center; but parsley, sage, and rosemary are on their way.
#TBT! I'll be humming some Simon and Garfunkel along with iMusic as I throw together (literally) this biscuit dough and enjoy Easy Herb Biscuits.
Put 1 1/2 cups (170g) King Arthur Unbleached Self-Rising Flour in a bowl.
Chop up enough fresh herbs to yield about 3 tablespoons.
Stir into the flour.
Add 3/4 cup 9170g) heavy cream.
Stir to make a cohesive dough. If necessary, drizzle in additional cream to make the dough come together.
Scoop out biscuits.
Plop onto a parchment-lined (or lightly greased) baking sheet.
Brush with extra cream, if desired.
Bake in a preheated 450°F oven for 10 minutes.
Instant gratification!
Honestly, it takes just about as long to put these biscuits on the table as it does to listen to "Light My Fire" and "Hey Jude."
And taste? "Green Onions," followed by "Whole Lotta Love."
How do you like to gussy up this biscuit recipe? Let us know in the comments, below!
See this recipe's step-by-step video: