I am nowhere near a minimalist in the kitchen, but I will admit skepticism when I first saw the headline and intro. I figured the main argument would be space compared to a skillet. But I already have a griddle that straddles two burners - I'm golden, right? Then you addressed the inconsistent heat issue, and you won me over. Now, if I could just find space for another piece of equipment. :)
February 26, 2023 at 4:08pm
I am nowhere near a minimalist in the kitchen, but I will admit skepticism when I first saw the headline and intro. I figured the main argument would be space compared to a skillet. But I already have a griddle that straddles two burners - I'm golden, right? Then you addressed the inconsistent heat issue, and you won me over. Now, if I could just find space for another piece of equipment. :)