I wish I could get the mixes from King Arthur. I would also buy the pans and cookie sheets shown on your site. Fortunately I am able to buy the great vanilla from other sources. Your recipes are excellent and I use ingredients I obtain from local sources. Usually it works but I am envious of those to buy from from your site. Canada is our neighbour and shipping to us is not a problem from many American online sites.
Would you ever consider sending your excellent products to us? From Pontiac Quebec Canada
November 27, 2022 at 10:27am
I wish I could get the mixes from King Arthur. I would also buy the pans and cookie sheets shown on your site. Fortunately I am able to buy the great vanilla from other sources. Your recipes are excellent and I use ingredients I obtain from local sources. Usually it works but I am envious of those to buy from from your site. Canada is our neighbour and shipping to us is not a problem from many American online sites.
Would you ever consider sending your excellent products to us? From Pontiac Quebec Canada