Brigid’s second birthday is coming up October 13. We will be in Springfield, MO at the AKC Dog Obedience and Rally trials. I plan to bake her a birthday cake to share with the other dogs. Pumpkin purée, peanut butter, applesauce, yogurt. It may be so good that humans will want some, too. But, it’s for the Canines.
October 1, 2023 at 9:58pm
Brigid’s second birthday is coming up October 13. We will be in Springfield, MO at the AKC Dog Obedience and Rally trials. I plan to bake her a birthday cake to share with the other dogs. Pumpkin purée, peanut butter, applesauce, yogurt. It may be so good that humans will want some, too. But, it’s for the Canines.