This is great. Although I had had a fair amount of success refreshing my starter every week and then just allowing for longer rise times, I felt like some recipes needed a better rise. So I looked at the traditional method (featured on this web site) of additional feedings and discards prior to baking, and while I partially followed it, I was turned off by the complication and additional discard generated. Then I stumbled onto this blog, and found it works very well. My first used was the no-knead bread, which turned out great. And I used it for a direct-grilled pizza recipe from another source, and the additional rise I gained from the 8-hour overnight whole-recipe feeding really improved the end product
April 23, 2024 at 11:13am
This is great. Although I had had a fair amount of success refreshing my starter every week and then just allowing for longer rise times, I felt like some recipes needed a better rise. So I looked at the traditional method (featured on this web site) of additional feedings and discards prior to baking, and while I partially followed it, I was turned off by the complication and additional discard generated. Then I stumbled onto this blog, and found it works very well. My first used was the no-knead bread, which turned out great. And I used it for a direct-grilled pizza recipe from another source, and the additional rise I gained from the 8-hour overnight whole-recipe feeding really improved the end product