I have used the recipe Judy Davis commented on for years. I got the recipe from a sister-in-law and have passed it on to all four of my daughters and other people also. It is so soft that it has to be rolled between two sheets of Waxed Paper to get it in the pie pan without it tearing apart. I have done everything they say, not to do, with this recipe and have never had a bad pie crust. It is always flaky and everyone loves it.
December 26, 2021 at 2:43pm
In reply to When I first began making… by Judy Davis (not verified)
I have used the recipe Judy Davis commented on for years. I got the recipe from a sister-in-law and have passed it on to all four of my daughters and other people also. It is so soft that it has to be rolled between two sheets of Waxed Paper to get it in the pie pan without it tearing apart. I have done everything they say, not to do, with this recipe and have never had a bad pie crust. It is always flaky and everyone loves it.