I had the same issue as a few others posted about. The mixing quantities seem wrong. I did it exactly how it stated and it wasn’t even dough. It was a wet flour mess. I left it in my dough container for 24 hours thinking it would firm up. When I want to make the pizza I had to start adding more flour to actually turn it into dough. With that said, it had a nice taste when I was done.
June 14, 2022 at 8:32pm
I had the same issue as a few others posted about. The mixing quantities seem wrong. I did it exactly how it stated and it wasn’t even dough. It was a wet flour mess. I left it in my dough container for 24 hours thinking it would firm up. When I want to make the pizza I had to start adding more flour to actually turn it into dough. With that said, it had a nice taste when I was done.