Personally, I don't mind any changes in the brand or the logo as long as the product quality remains high. That, after all, has been the key to your success. If you start to compromise quality, then you will have problems. I live in Canada and visit your country for six months in the winter, and, when I run out of the flour that I take with me, I buy KA flour because I know that it is a good substitute. I also like the website and the recipes.
July 28, 2020 at 2:28pm
Personally, I don't mind any changes in the brand or the logo as long as the product quality remains high. That, after all, has been the key to your success. If you start to compromise quality, then you will have problems. I live in Canada and visit your country for six months in the winter, and, when I run out of the flour that I take with me, I buy KA flour because I know that it is a good substitute. I also like the website and the recipes.