
October 1, 2020 at 11:37am

I've made this bread a few times...the first time was OK, the second time I added acidic acid for more sour..it was decent but it hadn't risen high enough.. then yesterday, I figured out the best process for me. I let the dough sit in fridge for 48 hours, no added acid. After refrigeration period, I let it sit on floured cutting board for 30 minutes, then shape the dough into nice round, put it in pottery pasta dish which is the perfect size with raised edges which has been lined with parchment paper which will allow me to lift dough into cast iron pan without losing any of the rise. The loaf was beautiful. The loaf sounded hollow to the tap, crust was thick and chewy with a soft, consistent interior. The flavor was amazing!! My guests ate it up!! Thank you for this recipe. I just taught a young friend of mine how to make it. She's on her way to CA with it to bake up at her grandmother's 83rd birthday. Question, how do I turn it into an olive loaf?

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