I am learning to make bread, after my 10th loaf I still am stumped by the crumb of my bread. I can’t get it to open up. I am making bread with 80% biga and the bread has a wonderful taste it rises and looks great but what it lacks is the open big holes associated with this type of bread. I would call my crumb looking a little bit more open then a cake crumb with a few big holes. How do I get more of the big holes and less of the cake crumb? What am I doing wrong?
September 4, 2022 at 12:02pm
I am learning to make bread, after my 10th loaf I still am stumped by the crumb of my bread. I can’t get it to open up. I am making bread with 80% biga and the bread has a wonderful taste it rises and looks great but what it lacks is the open big holes associated with this type of bread. I would call my crumb looking a little bit more open then a cake crumb with a few big holes. How do I get more of the big holes and less of the cake crumb? What am I doing wrong?