I am confuse as to how much or whether I should knead my sourdough before the bulk fermentation.
So from my understanding of your post, initially after we mix the ingredients together, we usually get a wet sticky dough , and that is enough to start the bulk fermentation process with intervals of stretch and fold to develop the gluten structure?
So process in short would be mix ingredient till incorporated (wet and sticky), no kneading needed, let it rest, then stretch and fold, then repeat till ready to pre-shape etc..
So does not require kneading the intitial dough till we get the window pane effect right?
March 20, 2020 at 7:34am
Hi, thanks for your post.
I am confuse as to how much or whether I should knead my sourdough before the bulk fermentation.
So from my understanding of your post, initially after we mix the ingredients together, we usually get a wet sticky dough , and that is enough to start the bulk fermentation process with intervals of stretch and fold to develop the gluten structure?
So process in short would be mix ingredient till incorporated (wet and sticky), no kneading needed, let it rest, then stretch and fold, then repeat till ready to pre-shape etc..
So does not require kneading the intitial dough till we get the window pane effect right?