I do love King Arthur Flour but am disappointed to find such inaccurate information on how to make Vanilla. You are literally making infused vodka not extracting. FDA requires .83 oz of beans to 8 oz of alchohol for grade B and around an ounce for Grade A beans. Vanilla beans are very complex and if you are extracting in Vodka it takes a full year to get all the flavor extracted, there are over 300 flavor compounds in the beans. If you do it this way start testing at 6 months then every month for the full year and you WILL notice the difference in flavor. White Rum will take about 15 months and darker alcohol can take up to 2 years. If you are making homemade you want it to be better than store bought. My vanilla is very dark like the others but it just contains beans and alcohol in the proper ratio.
I would think as a company you would want the correct info to go out to your customers so they get the best results in their endeavors to make a great extract.
Putting a disclaimer is the lazy way out, do your research, FDA requirements and get to the truth to put forth the best recipe. So much WRONG information is out there and people are spending money and time and give up because they do not end up with great results!
Beans must be weighed, literally. Depending on your bean it could take 12 to make an ounce or it could be as few as 3 for beans like the amazon. Grade B has more beans to an ounce than grade A due to being drier. So many variables for using "count" rather than weight.
Once you try extract made the correct way you will never want store bought again or a flavored vodka either which is what your recipe creates, a very weak flavored vodka.
January 25, 2024 at 10:10am
I do love King Arthur Flour but am disappointed to find such inaccurate information on how to make Vanilla. You are literally making infused vodka not extracting. FDA requires .83 oz of beans to 8 oz of alchohol for grade B and around an ounce for Grade A beans. Vanilla beans are very complex and if you are extracting in Vodka it takes a full year to get all the flavor extracted, there are over 300 flavor compounds in the beans. If you do it this way start testing at 6 months then every month for the full year and you WILL notice the difference in flavor. White Rum will take about 15 months and darker alcohol can take up to 2 years. If you are making homemade you want it to be better than store bought. My vanilla is very dark like the others but it just contains beans and alcohol in the proper ratio.
I would think as a company you would want the correct info to go out to your customers so they get the best results in their endeavors to make a great extract.
Putting a disclaimer is the lazy way out, do your research, FDA requirements and get to the truth to put forth the best recipe. So much WRONG information is out there and people are spending money and time and give up because they do not end up with great results!
Beans must be weighed, literally. Depending on your bean it could take 12 to make an ounce or it could be as few as 3 for beans like the amazon. Grade B has more beans to an ounce than grade A due to being drier. So many variables for using "count" rather than weight.
Once you try extract made the correct way you will never want store bought again or a flavored vodka either which is what your recipe creates, a very weak flavored vodka.