I have been wondering: Should I be cleaning my starter jars between uses? You mention keeping this smaller amount of sourdough in a small jar and using a larger container while enlarging the starter to the amount needed for the recipe. Might any remnant of the starter in the container add more mature yeast/bacteria to the starter? Also, by not washing, I would avoid any off-flavor/contamination from soap residue. Could the empty unwashed jars just be stored the fridge between uses? (I like a particularly tangy sourdough flavor)
December 2, 2022 at 12:23pm
I have been wondering: Should I be cleaning my starter jars between uses? You mention keeping this smaller amount of sourdough in a small jar and using a larger container while enlarging the starter to the amount needed for the recipe. Might any remnant of the starter in the container add more mature yeast/bacteria to the starter? Also, by not washing, I would avoid any off-flavor/contamination from soap residue. Could the empty unwashed jars just be stored the fridge between uses? (I like a particularly tangy sourdough flavor)