I tried reusing the lye bath after making bagels. Big mistake- way too much gluten or flour byproduct wound up in the water from the batch of bagels and the pretzels lost their sheen. It was a waste of a nice batch of pretzels in taste and texture. Now instead of attempting to save it I let the whole mixture cool, add a cup of vinegar to neutralize it and pour it down the drain.
December 7, 2020 at 4:19pm
In reply to Many bakers choose to save and reuse their lye bath for future … by bakersresource
I tried reusing the lye bath after making bagels. Big mistake- way too much gluten or flour byproduct wound up in the water from the batch of bagels and the pretzels lost their sheen. It was a waste of a nice batch of pretzels in taste and texture. Now instead of attempting to save it I let the whole mixture cool, add a cup of vinegar to neutralize it and pour it down the drain.