It took only about 2 hours to boil down from 12 cups to 1.5 cups, so I'm glad I was watching closely. It came out great, but there is no way to run it through a coffee filter - I tried, and after 30 minutes I had about a tablespoon of filtered syrup and a coffee filter full of cooled off and thickened boiled cider. I made a big mess then getting it out of the filter and into the jar. I won't try that part again, but will enjoy the finished product!
October 7, 2020 at 1:13pm
It took only about 2 hours to boil down from 12 cups to 1.5 cups, so I'm glad I was watching closely. It came out great, but there is no way to run it through a coffee filter - I tried, and after 30 minutes I had about a tablespoon of filtered syrup and a coffee filter full of cooled off and thickened boiled cider. I made a big mess then getting it out of the filter and into the jar. I won't try that part again, but will enjoy the finished product!