I drew a graph with a black Sharpie on parchment paper, then flipped the paper over. The graph had leading lines to the 7x7, then 3/5x3/5 inside. It went so much quicker. And I didn’t have to pick up the ruler to remeasure, and it was easier to see where I needed to roll the dough to conform to the square. It took about ten minutes to cut 12 squares.
September 5, 2020 at 5:51pm
I drew a graph with a black Sharpie on parchment paper, then flipped the paper over. The graph had leading lines to the 7x7, then 3/5x3/5 inside. It went so much quicker. And I didn’t have to pick up the ruler to remeasure, and it was easier to see where I needed to roll the dough to conform to the square. It took about ten minutes to cut 12 squares.