I made a meringue to make a dacqoise but more than doubled the recipe so it almost covered two half sheet pans. I increased the bake time by 15 minutes to 105 minutes and left it in the oven for 1.5 hours after turning it off. It’s not firm. I’ve only made this once before but I remember it being firm. The edges are firm but the rest is not. Can this be saved or do I have to start over? Can I throw it back in the oven after it’s been cooled?
Thank you
July 10, 2021 at 12:54am
I made a meringue to make a dacqoise but more than doubled the recipe so it almost covered two half sheet pans. I increased the bake time by 15 minutes to 105 minutes and left it in the oven for 1.5 hours after turning it off. It’s not firm. I’ve only made this once before but I remember it being firm. The edges are firm but the rest is not. Can this be saved or do I have to start over? Can I throw it back in the oven after it’s been cooled?
Thank you