As a follow up to my earlier comment, both you and your readers might appreciate this video that I found, explaining the differences between the Chinese Tangzhong technique and Japanese Yudane technique (both of which are used to keep bread fresher longer and help make them fluffier): One of the key differences between the techiques is the overall proportion/amount of flour used to create the roux. As a notable flour company, you should be aware of this. It might make a good follow-on story to what is above.
November 21, 2023 at 6:57pm
As a follow up to my earlier comment, both you and your readers might appreciate this video that I found, explaining the differences between the Chinese Tangzhong technique and Japanese Yudane technique (both of which are used to keep bread fresher longer and help make them fluffier): One of the key differences between the techiques is the overall proportion/amount of flour used to create the roux. As a notable flour company, you should be aware of this. It might make a good follow-on story to what is above.