Hi Vicki, there's no need to start over, but it does sound like your starter would benefit from a few days of twice a day feedings at room temperature. I would recommend feeding it this way until you notice that you're starter is doubling in size after 6-8 hours and has a mildly tangy aroma. Once you're starter is very active and healthy, you can concentrate on flavor development during the dough phase. Try substituting a small portion of rye flour or whole wheat flour for some of the white flour in your sourdough recipe. Whole grain flours, particularly whole rye flour, can contribute to developing more sour flavor in your bread. Another method for enhancing the tanginess of your sourdough bread is to refrigerate the dough during part of the fermentation process. Some of our sourdough bread recipes that utilize one or both of these techniques are our Extra Tangy Sourdough, Artisan Sourdough Bread, Pain au Levain, and our Naturally Leavened Sourdough Bread.
April 6, 2018 at 1:07pm
In reply to Help! My sourdough seems to have lost its tangy flavor. I keep … by Vicki Vaughn (not verified)