Hello! I’m on day 4 of making a starter. I’m not actually discarding, instead I’m stirring the starter together, putting it in a large bowl and weighing it. Then adding an equal weight in flour as well as enough water to a thick pancake/muffin batter consistency. Then splitting between jars to allow it to rise and I’m getting really good consistent rising that’s doubling. I did this intending to use the discard in other ways because teen boys eat… ALOT. My question is I was recently told that my starter discard isn’t safe to use in cooking for quite a while as there is “bad bacteria” causing the rise. When is it safe to start using my discard for recipes (not necessarily bread)?
September 29, 2023 at 1:02am
Hello! I’m on day 4 of making a starter. I’m not actually discarding, instead I’m stirring the starter together, putting it in a large bowl and weighing it. Then adding an equal weight in flour as well as enough water to a thick pancake/muffin batter consistency. Then splitting between jars to allow it to rise and I’m getting really good consistent rising that’s doubling. I did this intending to use the discard in other ways because teen boys eat… ALOT. My question is I was recently told that my starter discard isn’t safe to use in cooking for quite a while as there is “bad bacteria” causing the rise. When is it safe to start using my discard for recipes (not necessarily bread)?