Hi there, I stumbled upon your website and it must be a miracle :) I have a 20 yr old starter in my fridge in a glass jar that for certain reasons has gone unloved for years now. I originally go it as a wedding present from a beloved friend. I’m afraid to open it now and not sure what to do with it and so there it sits sadly. Is there any hope of saving it after so many years of neglect? Thank you!
May 22, 2020 at 9:50am
Hi there, I stumbled upon your website and it must be a miracle :) I have a 20 yr old starter in my fridge in a glass jar that for certain reasons has gone unloved for years now. I originally go it as a wedding present from a beloved friend. I’m afraid to open it now and not sure what to do with it and so there it sits sadly. Is there any hope of saving it after so many years of neglect? Thank you!