Hi! I started my starter yesterday and 24 hours later today it was bubbly and had grown. I fed it according to the measurements prescribed in the recipe (I used measuring cups instead of a scale because my scale is on back order), and now my starter is VERY dense and the consistency is nothing like it was yesterday or today before feeding. What did I do wrong, and is there any way to fix it? Is it ruined? Thank you!
April 15, 2020 at 3:19pm
Hi! I started my starter yesterday and 24 hours later today it was bubbly and had grown. I fed it according to the measurements prescribed in the recipe (I used measuring cups instead of a scale because my scale is on back order), and now my starter is VERY dense and the consistency is nothing like it was yesterday or today before feeding. What did I do wrong, and is there any way to fix it? Is it ruined? Thank you!