My last two loaves have definitely been overproofed, but not puffy - at the end of the proofing cycle, they have been bubbly on the surface and quite soft, more like a ciabatta dough - definitely can't just punch down and reproof. The first loaf was a white flour, the second whole-wheat. House temperature is in the mid-20s (Celsius)/low 80s (Fahrenheit), and we currently have high humidity in the Great Lakes basin. Any suggestions as to how I can fix this?
May 26, 2020 at 12:57pm
My last two loaves have definitely been overproofed, but not puffy - at the end of the proofing cycle, they have been bubbly on the surface and quite soft, more like a ciabatta dough - definitely can't just punch down and reproof. The first loaf was a white flour, the second whole-wheat. House temperature is in the mid-20s (Celsius)/low 80s (Fahrenheit), and we currently have high humidity in the Great Lakes basin. Any suggestions as to how I can fix this?