LOL Your article reminds me of a family story, not of over proofing but that yeast has indeed a lot of life in it! One early summer day while using the hoe around cabbage plants my Dad found a greyish mass rising from the ground. He punched it down and buried it again. He didn't know what it was ... a fungus? What could it be! The same thing happened when my Aunt went out to the garden to hoe. Again and again they punched it down, buried it and finally, after consulting with one another and then talking to the family about it, were about to call the county farm extension service when finally, sheepishly, my Mother admitted what she'd done. My Mom use to make bread and the family enjoyed it greatly. While making the bread dough, she'd added hot scalded milk to the mixture after the yeast was added. Thinking that she'd killed the yeast, and feeling badly for having wasted the flour and other ingredients, she took it to the garden and buried it, then returned to the kitchen and started over. The yeast, however, was still quiet viable! They buried that bread dough throughout the summer until frost finally ended the rising grey mass.
February 28, 2018 at 12:05pm