You might be better off leaving out the cherries all together instead of using apples, Joyce, which may get soggy and make the rest of the fruit cake not hold up quite as well. This cake is best if it ages for a few days at least, and if you use fresh apples, the cake will have a much shorter shelf life. Don't worry, the cake will still be chock-full of yummyness without the candied cherries. Baking the batter in a bundtlette pan should be just fine; check for doneness around 30 minutes, knowing that they may take upwards of 45 minutes to test clean with a toothpick, depending on size. Happy baking! Kye@KAF
December 17, 2017 at 1:56pm
In reply to Could you substitute fresh, chopped apple for the candied cherr… by Joyce (not verified)