Hi! Found this post super helpful and I’ve had great results making KAF's no-knead harvest bread in a cast iron Dutch oven started in a cold oven. I’ve just received the EH bread and potato pot and can’t wait to try it next!
My question is: Does using the cold start method essentially make the brotform stage (for recipes that call for that, like sourdough boules—I know it’s not part of the recipe featured here) unnecessary because the dough is now proofing in the same vessel you’ll bake it in? Looking at the shape of the bread and potato pot it seems like I could get away with using it as a brotform/proofing basket AND a baker if I were to use the cold start method. Does this make sense? Thanks!
May 1, 2020 at 10:05am
Hi! Found this post super helpful and I’ve had great results making KAF's no-knead harvest bread in a cast iron Dutch oven started in a cold oven. I’ve just received the EH bread and potato pot and can’t wait to try it next!
My question is: Does using the cold start method essentially make the brotform stage (for recipes that call for that, like sourdough boules—I know it’s not part of the recipe featured here) unnecessary because the dough is now proofing in the same vessel you’ll bake it in? Looking at the shape of the bread and potato pot it seems like I could get away with using it as a brotform/proofing basket AND a baker if I were to use the cold start method. Does this make sense? Thanks!