So I make mostly rustic hearth breads and sometimes pan breads, and I shoot for at least 200f but always afraid if I go to high too long it will dry out. On the otherhand, sometimes I get gumminess, which I abhor and feel bad if I sold a custmomer a gummy loaf. Thing is, I can't measure the temperature (stick a probe into) of each and every loaf, so I really have to use my own sense of timing and judgment by external characteristics.
July 18, 2021 at 4:34pm
So I make mostly rustic hearth breads and sometimes pan breads, and I shoot for at least 200f but always afraid if I go to high too long it will dry out. On the otherhand, sometimes I get gumminess, which I abhor and feel bad if I sold a custmomer a gummy loaf. Thing is, I can't measure the temperature (stick a probe into) of each and every loaf, so I really have to use my own sense of timing and judgment by external characteristics.