I've never read such a nonsense article. The old saw about dark colors retaining heat - is for radiant heat ONLY. How much radiant light and it's wavelenghth distribution is edited by your electric, or Gas stove do you think? Gas would create more than the minuscule amount put out by one's electic stove, but if one were to test 30 stoves, one would find not a single uniform output of light, visible nor infra-red. One shove in other words would act difently on each color sample individually.
More likely your skewed. results are created by your ovens ( how many did you test for validity?) and the unmeasured variables such thickness, material properties (they vary a lot in Aluminum and Stainless steel, and are all over the place for any earthern ware - even from the same manufacturer}
Ask any junior Physics major - color does not impact transmission of heat - only if and when light is a major component in the heat source.
With all due respect.
February 11, 2023 at 3:49pm
I've never read such a nonsense article. The old saw about dark colors retaining heat - is for radiant heat ONLY. How much radiant light and it's wavelenghth distribution is edited by your electric, or Gas stove do you think? Gas would create more than the minuscule amount put out by one's electic stove, but if one were to test 30 stoves, one would find not a single uniform output of light, visible nor infra-red. One shove in other words would act difently on each color sample individually.
More likely your skewed. results are created by your ovens ( how many did you test for validity?) and the unmeasured variables such thickness, material properties (they vary a lot in Aluminum and Stainless steel, and are all over the place for any earthern ware - even from the same manufacturer}
Ask any junior Physics major - color does not impact transmission of heat - only if and when light is a major component in the heat source.
With all due respect.