We love brainstorming, Sallie! If you do have two, smaller Dutch ovens, you could definitely split the dough in half and bake two, smaller loaves. You could also bake them both in the 4.5 qt pot, just keep in mind that the dough won't have the support of the sides to encourage it to rise up, so you may end up with slightly shorter, wider loaves (like you could if shaping and baking on a baking stone or sheet). Another option would be to make the larger loaf, as written, and simply freeze half of the loaf, cooled and well-wrapped, for later use. We hope one of these adjustments works for you! Mollie@KAF
February 25, 2017 at 3:25pm
In reply to Can you adjust this baking to two, 2 quart pots, and have smal… by Sallie (not verified)