Ricardo Gonzalez - Petropolis R.J. - Brazil

December 11, 2016 at 5:39am

Excellent post. I rarely use sourdough here to start any new pre fermented culture. Here at Brazil we have the contribution of warmer temperatures and I adjust all the recipes, slowing fermentation, by giving almost 1/3 less the rest time recommended by you to all of the phases and adding even half the amount of rippened sourdough or any kind of dough. And it goes stunning well. I suggest a post discussing the use of old staled bread soaker to produce breads and the use of ultrafreezing method to conserve 80 % pre baked breads prior to finally fully 100% baking loaves. It will be amazing. I'm now reading Jeff Hamelman excelente book Bread...baker book of technical and recipes and one recipe particularly get my attention. One fabulous whole wheat bread made of pre cooked whole brown rice added at end of process of developing dough ( pages 125-126 ). This bread is amazing specially if prepared with 100% whole wheat flour as I did. Why not discuss this amazing bread in a future post? It will be great!!!
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