
December 9, 2016 at 1:07pm

I use a recipe that came with my carved wood Springerle rolling pin from Switzerland & find it produces a product identical to my childhood memories from my grandmother's house at Christmas. It's all auf Deutsch with metric measures, will provide translations: 4-5 Eier (eggs) 220g (7.04oz) 500g (16oz) Puderzucker (powdered/10X sugar) 1 EL/Esslöffle (Tablespoon) Kirschwasser 1 EL (Tbsp) gereinigter und leicht gerösteter (crushed & lightly roasted) Anis (seed) 500g (16oz) feines Weissmehl (cake flour) (Guinevere was perfect before you d/c'd it) Prepare, roll, impress, dry for 24 hrs, bake 150-160 degrees C (300deg F) for 30min. Please let me know if you'd like the full instructions auf Deutsch (or my awkward translation.)
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