Hi Cheryl, a gummy texture can be a sign of over-fermentation, so shortening the rise times may be helpful. It can also be caused by under-baking, so be sure to bake your bread until the internal temperature is 190-195 degrees. For very dense breads you may need to bake to a slightly higher temperature (up to 205 degrees). If you don't have an instant read thermometer, look for a rich brown crust color, and a hollow sound when you tap the bottom of the loaf. You'll also want to be sure to let your bread cool before cutting into it, as the texture of the loaf isn't completely set until it releases steam and cools. If you happen to be adding diastatic malt powder to your recipe, this can also cause gumminess if you use too much, so limit this ingredient to a very small amount. Usually 1/2 to 1 teaspoon per recipe is sufficient. For more help with your sourdough bread baking, give our Baker's Hotline a call at 855-371-2253. We'd love to talk sourdough with you!
April 7, 2019 at 11:46am
In reply to Everything about my sourdough seems just perfect except it turn… by Cheryl (not verified)