I'm having the same altitude problem. Finally learning the other ins and outs, but have other questions. I wind up adding more water. There's no way I can even get 2 cups of flour in the overnight starter. Right now Starter is on the thick side
I bought the long baker. I've used it for straight (yeasted) Italian bread. It works just fine. So does the baking bowl. Most of your sourdough recipes seem to call for a boule. I'd like to translate that to the long baker. I have problems cutting a boule. We need a holder to hold it down.
I use a bread machine (Zo) to knead. I can make a one or two pound loaf and the Zo does recommend how much flour (Don't use a 7 cup recipe) How do I figure out which of these recipes fits the Zo for kneading and will fit in the long baker?
Also, how thick is starter supposed to be? I've seen info that wetter starter is more sour, now it seems to be thicker. Which is it? I love really sour bread.
Glad to find the fridge info. Will now try setting baking to add the cold time in the fridge. I usually start 2 days before I use up first batch of bread or muffins. I'll try 3.
I just tried the extra sour sourdough recipe. I made the 2 loaves, but shoved them in an Italian bread couche. Nothing under them in the oven. Worked out ok. How would you keep them from too much spread on a stone?
The loaves turned out fairly well, since I fudged the 4 hour sitting time. Too late at night and shoved the bread pan from the Zo in the fridge for 15 hours..
I bought the Starter and crock last year. It is fairly active.
October 23, 2015 at 10:42am