Add about 1 tablespoon of water to 1 egg white and mix to combine; this is a basic egg white wash. You can brush it onto the bottom of your pie crust (any kind of pie), and bake it in the oven until the egg is set (8-10 minutes). This is best done in recipes that call for blind baking (or pre-baking) the crust, but you can even try it with fruit pies like apple if you like. Be sure not to bake it for too long initially with these kind of pies, as the full pie will require quite some time in oven and you don't want it to over brown. Hope that helps! Kye@KAF
December 5, 2016 at 3:04pm
In reply to To seal bottom crust you say to brush bottom crust with egg whi… by Janice Cook (not verified)