I have a scone recipe from a book called "Flat Belly Diet" that uses white whole wheat flour.. The dough is filled with cranberries & pecans (for monounsaturated fats, supposed to be the key to the "diet"). The instructions are to put the dough into your 8" round cake pan and "score" the dough into 8 triangles before baking. It's very similar to Peggy's suggestion above, about using an 8" skillet, I suppose. The dough is relatively dry, so the scones stay separate in the oven despite being baked right together in the pan. I like the idea of using a scoop, or disher, though. The points of the triangles get a little thin when you try to divide a circle into more than 8 pieces! Will try some of the other methods people wrote in comments above, and some KAF recipes, soon!
February 12, 2016 at 1:22pm