I appreciate the effort someone at KAF took to track down the information surrounding this beautiful and delicious cake. My mother, who is now deceased, first received this recipe from a friend when it was called, "Dr. Bird" cake. My mother was the most awesome baker in our small home community and many people paid her to bake for them, which she did as a side business to help subsidize my father's income. She also loved to make dipped candies for the holidays. I have inherited her love for baking and trying new recipes, which has led me to the King Arthur Website. I am very much appreciative that you post recipes for anyone who visits the KAF website, regardless if they make a purchase. I do make purchases since I have recently found your site via a friend and have already earned and spent a $10.00 "Baker's Bucks Certificate!" This time, I will be making your doggie treats for our Yorkie! I am sure he will love them just as I love all the goodies you offer for sale!
Thanks Again for the Information on the "Dr. Bird", "Hummingbird", "Granny Cake" or "Don't Last Cake"! This is great trivia for a die-hard baker!
Rebecca Stewart
May 29, 2015 at 9:43am