Thank you for this fascinating article. Could you tell us a few more details about your experiment and testing? Did you make one large batch of dough on day 0 and then subsequently bake from that batch immediately, at 30 minutes, 60 minutes and each subsequent day up to day 10? Or, did you make a batch of dough on day 0 and store it and continue that process each day until day 10 when all the doughs were baked and compared at the same time? Each way of running this experiment has trade-offs. The 1st uses exactly the same ingredients but makes it harder to compare the cookies against each other because they were baked on different days. The 2nd compares cookies all baked at the same time but introducing a different potential confounder of not using exactly the same ingredients and mixing/prep techniques. Given the choice, the 2nd would seem to introduce fewer confounders. Can you share your thoughts and approach?
December 22, 2018 at 7:52am