Hi Deirdre, we're sorry to hear about your tick bite but rest assured you don't have to say good bye to ice cream forever! You can use the method you described, stirring the mixture every 30 minutes to prevent the ice cream from forming a solid block. The texture will not be quite as creamy or smooth and may have some larger ice crystals in it. If you are okay with this, go ahead and give it a whirl. You can store the ice cream in a container for longer periods of time afterwards--just be sure to let the ice cream soften at room temperature for about 15-20 minutes before serving. This will give it more of a pleasant texture, and your taste buds will be able to enjoy more of the flavor too. Good luck! Kye@KAF
August 12, 2015 at 2:48pm
In reply to Greetings: Being severely allergic to dairy, due to a tick b… by Deirdre (not verified)