Hi... I'm new to this and reading intently! Thanks for this enjoyable and informative post!
I am confused by one tiny thing... when first feeding the re-hydrated starter, the post says add 1 oz. or 1/4 cup... is that supposed to be 1/8 cup, or 2 oz. I was thinking 1 oz. and 1/8 cup because that's what the rest of the feedings were... but, I am not in the position to be making guesses at this point.
November 28, 2019 at 11:33pm
Hi... I'm new to this and reading intently! Thanks for this enjoyable and informative post!
I am confused by one tiny thing... when first feeding the re-hydrated starter, the post says add 1 oz. or 1/4 cup... is that supposed to be 1/8 cup, or 2 oz. I was thinking 1 oz. and 1/8 cup because that's what the rest of the feedings were... but, I am not in the position to be making guesses at this point.
Thanks again!!