Sure thing, Susana. Fantastic homemade pizza is still in your future! While we recommend considering adding a baking steel or stone to your inventory (especially if you're a pizza fanatic), you can try placing a baking sheet in the oven upside-down, and letting that preheat in the oven. Depending on the material and age of your baking sheet, it might warp the pan slightly so only try this technique if you're okay with that happening — otherwise simply bake the pizza on a baking sheet as you normally would. You can also try par-baking the crust on a baking sheet without any sauce for topping for a few minutes to help the bottom get nice and crispy. Try a number of these approached until you get the awesome pizza you're hoping to make! Kye@KAF
September 18, 2018 at 2:25pm
In reply to I don't have a pizza steel or stone.. how can I make this work … by Susana (not verified)