I made this today using hedgerow apples I harvested from our old trees. Peeling them was a giant pain - too gnarly for a peeler/corer/slicer - but it was worth the work. This applesauce is delicious!
My tweaks: I added a pinch of salt, I didn't use the boiled cider, and I only used 1/4-1/3 cup of sugar. Since the apples were small, I just kept throwing them in until the crock was about 2/3 full. The applesauce is tangy and sweet and has a wonderful depth to it. Not sure if this is a result of the mix of apples that I used, or the slow-cooking caramelization, but my husband and I had to get this into jars quickly before we ate it all! I will definitely be making more.
October 4, 2014 at 8:28pm