Vicky, you usually have one additional chance to deflate the dough, re-shape the loaf, and let it rise one more time. But after the third rise, the yeast won't likely give the dough much of a boost.
One thing to consider, however, is that your dough shouldn't be so delicate that a small bumping of the pan makes it deflate. If this is the case, it means your dough is over-proofed and was left to rise for too long. Try reducing the rising time slightly (just until you can poke it with your finger and the mark no longer springs back). This should give you a sturdier structure and a better overall texture. Good luck! Kye@KAF
July 31, 2016 at 2:00pm
In reply to What happens when the pan gets bumped while rising and the doug… by Vicky (not verified)