
June 18, 2016 at 7:18pm

I decided today to try homemade bread for the second time in my life. My first adventure, year ago now, produced #3 bread. After what seemed like wasted time and labor, I never tried again ... until now. Guess what? I did the SAME THING. Produced 2 loaves of perfect looking, pre-baked bread and watched it shrink before my eyeballs not 1 minute after putting it in the oven. Not to be discouraged, I turned to Google for an answer as to what I was doing wrong and found YOU! :) The second batch is just out of the oven and I am happy! They actually look like homemade bread! Many heartfelt thanks to all the wonderful people in the world who share their knowledge with the rest of us eager minds willing to learn something new every day! May you all be blessed. :)
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