I really enjoy baking with my granddaughter. Since she's still very young, she loves to get her hands into everything. I had found her playing in the flour a number of times. Instead of getting freaked out about the mess, I gave her a special mixture of flour, beans and rice along with her own set of special measuring cups and a small whisk broom that she can play with as she pleases. She's very good at cracking eggs, but prefers to use her hands instead of a whisk to break up the eggs. Instead of fighting with her about it, I try to use recipes calling for squished things - like banana bread. I don't really care that the bananas and eggs have been squished by little hands rather than a whisk or fork or food processor. Soon, her twin sisters will be "helping" me in the kitchen as well. Working with children in the kitchen is a great way to build relationships and pass on family traditions but it's always messy. It's up to us as adults to find ways to keep it fun.
February 16, 2014 at 11:29am