
February 15, 2014 at 4:33pm

I thought I should report in with the results of my Valentine's Day scone mix experiment. So far, I have delivered goodies to 10 households in my neighborhood, with a few more planned for later today. I've actually been taking goodies for the last two days, as I only have one oven, and didn't want any of the goodies to get stale. We had a good size snow hit yesterday, so some of my deliveries were postponed until today. I used the Muffin/Bread instructions, and baked my "Bread" in half-size bundt pans. One box of scone mix = 2 small bundts. I baked the bundts at 350 for 30-35 minutes. Another option is the "mini-bundt" pan, in which case 1 Box of scone mix = 12 mini-bundt cakes + 1 mini loaf. I baked the pan of mini-bundts 15-18 minutes, and the mini loaf for 20-25 minutes at 350. One of the things I concentrated on was making sure the glaze was special, so things seems more "treat-like". I used the glaze recipe on the box as my base recipe. Here are the combos: Apple-Cinnamon bundts with Apple glaze (substituted Boiled Cider for cream in the glaze) Lemon-Blueberry with Lemon Glaze Harvest Pumpkin with Vanilla Bean Glaze Very Berry with Razzmatazz (Raspberry Liquor) Glaze -- for the adult only households Chocolate Chunk with Vanilla Glaze (I was out of cocoa) Apricot Sour Cream with Orange Glaze Vanilla Raspberry with Razzmatazz Glaze I wanted to presentation to look festive, so I put each cake into the clear KAF bread wrappers, and tied with red & pink Valentine ribbons. On the top, I taped a kiddie-style valentine (like the ones you got in grade school), on the back of each I wrote "I'm glad you're my neighbor". To put it mildly, my neighbors have been thrilled. It's been a colder and snowier winter than normal here in Cincinnati, and I think a lot of us have only ventured out if we had to. We're gotten a tad house-bound, I think. I've had several phone calls from some of the first receivers, and the reviews are great on all flavors. This is the first time I've attempted to bake something for a larger number of people when I'm working / volunteering more than full-time. This would not of happened if it had not been for your blog about the mixes. I just wouldn't have had the time. Thank you, KAF, for the excellent ideas.
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