thank you for this incredibly informative and in depth look at pie crusts! pie is my very favorite thing to bake and i've gotten pretty good at it over the years. i usually do a butter/butter flavored shortening combo crust or, when cooking for my vegan pals, all shortening. i've never actually done an all butter crust before. after seeing your results, i may have to experiment with a combo of crusts - butter/shortening for the base with all butter for lattice tops and/or simple decorative cut outs. yay new kitchen projects!
dear fellow lactose intolerant people,
i'm seriously confused about why you live with this. just take lactase pills (lactaid). they're in the drug store with the other upset tummy remedies. one or two pills taken with dairy containing foods and you're fine. honestly. i've been using them for years. if they don't work, you're not lactose intolerant and may have an allergy or something but, for plain old intolerance, they're great.
November 25, 2013 at 11:35am