I have two of these doughnut pans and use them all the time. I've used the dessert recipe (above) with all kinds of fruit purees: banana, pear, homemade apple sauce, apple and prune baby food. The recipe is very forgiving and I am constantly tinkering. My current version includes a few tbsp of ground oatmeal, reducing the oil and sugar slightly and sometimes using up to 50% WWW flour. We haven't had a bad one yet. The pumpkin doughnut recipe is also fantastic. I use my muffin scoop to fill the pans, just do it slowly and wipe up any drips.
PJH - can you please tell me if the strawberry flavour came through? I'm imagining it (or a blueberry puree) might need added extract to make the flavour come through - if Lorann makes such a thing? I'm thinking of those Dunkin Doughnuts blueberry cake doughnuts (or a cherry-chip cake)... which are certainly boosted in flavour artificially (and deliciously).
Hi Melanie,
Yes, the flavor comes through in a nice tangy, berry way. If you want it to really say STRAWBERRY try a touch of Lorann Strawberry Extra Strong Flavor. Just a few drops would do it. ~ MaryJane
April 9, 2013 at 12:24pm