When I took the bakeshop part of my chef training we never made danish that way. The rolled-in dough short cuts are fine. However, bakers cinnamon sugar was always used long strips of about an inch egg washed and dipped in cinnamon sugar then curled in a spiral to for the round leaving a center "bowl" for the fillings. Or larger strips for twisted. Or rectangles to fold for bearclaws all egg washed before baking. roll in the dough retard(refrigerate over night) then as you say work in thirds and using strips is much faster. Less hard and fun you can even do longer strips for those 2 flavor filled figure eights. The big tip for any of the sugar used in the bakeshop was to store the sugar with a whole vanilla bean in the sugar. It changes the flavor and makes a difference in any bakeshop activity. I love baking and am retired so why hide all those chefs secrets...heh always willing to talk. Oh forgot brush the strands on one side with egg wash the using shaker put on cinnamon sugar then twist or form you rounds sighs long time ago and by the way the finished danish freeze very well and they should last 4 months in the freezer though none of my friends had them last that long…:D
Tad, you've got my mouth watering, just imagining the wonderful pastries from your description. And the spiral method is one I recognize, now that you mention it. Love the dipping in cinnamon-sugar first - and thanks for the vanilla bean hint, too. I knew about doing that, but never thought about it being the basis behind the "secret" taste that bakery treats can have... Thanks for sharing! PJH
March 5, 2013 at 3:52pm